Don't get me wrong, I'll vote for the man, but the who Obamamania (an actual word in use in the US) is a bit much.
Photos from Archaeology Versus Diplomacy
Registan Central Asia Blog Central Asian News (English page available)
The Sandmonkey's Take on Egypt and the Middle East
One Big Construction Site Dubai Blog
An Emirati's Thoughts An Emirati Perspective on the UAE
Secret Dubai Mostly Negative, Still Interesting. Currently Blocked in the UAE
Dubai at Random One Man's Personal Stories From Dubai
The Exile Often Vulgar and Stupid, But They Also Provide Insightful Coverage of (Russia-Related) Issues I Don't See Elsewhere
J-Walk "Stuff That May or May Not Interest You"
In the Media Gulf News
Don't get me wrong, I'll vote for the man, but the who Obamamania (an actual word in use in the US) is a bit much.
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